Another series of PhD. workshop with teleconference from Nathan to Gold Coast has done successfully on 25th November 2016 about the “Qualitative Research” by Dr. Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore. Dr. Khoo-Lattimore gave us some useful insights on how to conduct Qualitative Research properly, she introduced an important concept of “Reflexivity in Qualitative Research” in order to avoid bias in Qualitative data collection. This concept is very useful for candidates who are doing either purely qualitative or mixed methods in their PhD. research. This workshop attended by PhD. candidates from all stages so that we can learn from each other. Following the workshop, there was some research sharing by two PhD. candidates:
- Ambrozio Queiroz Neto (Destination Competitiveness Through Customer Value in Scuba Diving Tourism).
- Rui(Rain) Zhang (Changing Destination Image Schema Through Storytelling: A Case Study of Hainan Island).
Be sure to have a look at the slides (PDF 1,303KB) Dr. Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore has kindly shared with us.
Photos of the PhD workshop:
This HDR news update was written by Griffith Institute for Tourism student Sulistyo Utomo