GIFT in the Media
What is attracting so many Chinese tourists to Queensland?
They are not particularly keen on relaxing on the beach with a beer. So what is attracting half a million Chinese tourists to Queensland each year? Griffith University tourism expert Dr Sarah Gardiner says Chinese tourists love the pristine beaches and blue skies of Queensland but are not beachgoers in the traditional Aussie sense. “They don’t like going in the sun because they don’t want to get sunburnt and they also don’t particularly like going into the water,” says Gardiner. “They may walk along the beach and dip their toes in the water but many of them can’t swim.”
Sustainable Tourism and Regional Development – Air New Zealand’s 2018 Sustainability Report
Professor Susanne Becken advises Air New Zealand how tourism can lead to stronger economic and social outcomes.
Flights create millions of tonnes of passenger waste per year – what happens to it?
Although there’s been substantial focus on the carbon footprint of flying, little has been thought about the wastage generated on planes. Professor Susanne Becken discusses the problem of wastage on airline flights.
New insights into what the Games are all about
Professor Susanne Becken, Director, Griffith Institute for Tourism and Professor Paul Burton, Director, Cities Research Institute, brought their expertise to bear on two of the prevailing questions in the build-up to the Games: Why is the Gold Coast a great city to host a major event like GC2018? How can hosting GC2018 benefit the city into the future?
The risks of solo female travel and how the industry can help
In the height of the #metoo movement, more female travellers have spoken out about their experiences with sexual assault and harassment when travelling alone.
Dr Elaine Yang and Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore conducted a study on Asian solo female travellers to understand their risk experiences of travelling alone in various destinations, including Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and beyond. Their research results were published in Traveltalk.
How the climate might transform tourism
On 5 March 2018, Professor Susanne Becken joined Professor Catherine Pickering from Griffith University Dept of Environment and Dr Sarah Boulter from NCCARF to discuss: Good weather guarantee – how climate change might transform tourism.

What would supersonic travel mean for Australia?
Prof Susanne Becken comments on the environmental aspects: “Supersonic flights provide an opportunity for countries like Australia to overcome the ‘tyranny of distance’ and be connected much more quickly to major business centres of the world, but at a time where the world has committed to drastically reduce carbon emissions, and where the global aviation industry is working hard towards developing low carbon alternatives, this development is a big step backwards.” Read more here
How the changing climate will affect your holiday.
Professor Susanne Becken discusses the impacts of climate change on tourism on 2ser’s The Daily.
Listen to the podcast here.
Prof Susanne Becken spoke with The Australian’s Katrina Lobley about sustainable tourism.
Clever sustainability initiatives are no longer confined to opulent luxury lodges and remote eco-adventures. They are developing right across the hospitality sector as more businesses, including major hotel chains, find ways to incorporate eco-friendly touches into the everyday guest experience, often realising significant commercial savings along the way.
In a historic decision made by the board of the Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park, the climb to the summit of the rock will be prohibited from October 2019.
The Griffith Institute for Tourism was commissioned by Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park earlier this year to analyse track monitoring data to assess the proportion of visitors climbing Uluru in the Northern Territory.
The Courier Mail headlines that Griffith Institute for Tourism report predicts the Commonwealth Games will be an economic game-changer for the Gold Coast and Queensland.
The Games will result in billions of dollars in new public and private infrastructure, bring in more than 670,000 extra tourists, help create 30,000 jobs and stimulate ongoing benefits for business years after the closing ceremony at Carrara Stadium in April.
Christopher Warren, GIFT Phd research candidate and owner/operator of My Green Butler interview with 3WBC
Chris was recently interviewed about My Green Butler on “Green Tick-it Ecotourism” by James Porteous and Viarnne Mischon on What a Wonderful World 94.1fm 3WBC
Dr Sarah Gardiner – shaking up the tourism industry
GIFT member Dr Sarah Gardiner spoke with Eva Milic at 9 News about how the sharing economy is shaking up the tourism industry.
Watch the 9 News segment here.
Professor Susanne Beckon’s interview on 2ser
Professor Susanne Becken spoke to 2ser breakfast host Nic Healey on how social media is advancing research data.
Listen to the podcast here.
Professor Susanne Becken’s, article in The Conversation and Huffington Post
Prof Susanne Becken’s article “Can tourism alleviate global poverty?” has been featured in both The Conversation and The Huffington Post Australia. The article highlights the research of the Global Sustainable Tourism Dashboard, and explores the relationship between tourism and poverty.
Read the full article: Can tourism alleviate global poverty?
Dr Sacha Reid, featured in 7 News
GIFT member Dr Sacha Reid is currently researching building compliance within residential multi-owned properties and the liveability of high density housing. Here she comments on why Australians are packing up and moving to Queensland in the highest rates in a decade.
Watch the 7 News Australia segment
Prof Susanne Becken, featured in Todayonline
GIFT Director Prof Susanne Becken, is interviewed in a recent article for Asia’s Today online, providing her professional expertise on how people seek information about climate change.
Read the full article: Interest in heat records, climate change growing in Asia as mercury rises
Prof Noel Scott, featured in The Sydney Morning Herald
GIFT Member Professor Noel Scott is featured in The Sydney Morning Herald article providing his professional expertise on how the new app ‘Tenderfoot’ developed by three young Australians can helps to provide a unique travel experience.
Read the full article: Australian-founded Tenderfoot travel app taps into desire for personalised tips
Press Conference: World Travel & Tourism Council Global Summit
GIFT Director Prof Susanne Becken, attend the World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit Press Conferences on the 26th of April, Bangkok. This press conference focused on the launch of the Global Sustainable Tourism Dashboard.
Panel: Prof Susanne Becken, Prof Graham Miller, Ms Rochelle Turner, Mr Lucas Bobes, and Mr Mario Hardy.
Prof Noel Scott and Dr Brent Moyle featured in Channel 9 news
GIFT members, Prof Noel Scott and Dr Brent Moyle were featured in a Channel 9 news segment, discussing their innovative research and technology. The technology allows local researchers to get inside the heads of tourists.
Watch the full Chanel 9 segment here
Prof Noel Scott featured in The Gold Coast Bulletin
GIFT member, Prof Noel Scott talks about new the new technology EGG (Electro-encephalography) that measures levels of electrical activity in the brain. The article featured in the Gold Coast Bulletin focuses on this technology and how it is being used to measure and track travelers emotions.
See full article “Survey to read tourists minds” here
Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore featured in the Queensland Business Monthly magazine
GIFT member, Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore was featured in the Queensland Business Monthly magazine in one of their latest boardroom discussions where Dr Khoo-Lattimore and other top experts in the tourism industry discussed ‘The Sunshine State: Riding the wave of tourism in Queensland.
To read the full “Passport to Prosperity: State Tourism experts explore ways of securing the industry’s long-term future” article by Natalie Gregg, Courier Mail click here (PDF 9200 K).