Technology is transforming the way we work, live and travel. This is especially true in the tourism industry where change is constant. To stay competitive, tourism businesses must remain on the forefront of trends and be prepared to take advantage of opportunities as they emerge.

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) partnered with researchers from the Griffith Institute for Tourism to develop the first Queensland Tourism Digital Workforce Development and Training Plan.

Research and consultation to develop this plan involved a global environmental scan of the latest technologies in tourism, industry consultation workshops in five Queensland tourism regions, as well as, an online survey with responses from over 100 Queensland tourism businesses and stakeholders.

The plan highlighted key technologies in tourism. Particularly emerging technology like augmented reality, artificial intelligence and automation, cryptocurrency and blockchain, big data, smart tourism destinations and digital tourism ecosystems. The emergence of new technologies increases the importance of having a skilled digital workforce with job-specific expertise.

By adopting new technology early on, tourism businesses can experience huge benefits over time. The report shares case studies of digital champions such as Ryan Moody Fishing, Travello, Whitsunday Airport, Tourism Australia and Australia Zoo. These businesses have used technology to transform the way they do business and are great examples of leaders in the field.

Four priority areas and 14 key initiatives are identified in the report to help Queensland businesses understand where they should be focusing their energy and goals. The recommendations include upskilling tourism employees, training and developing experiences, processes and services that embrace this new digital era.

Click here to download the Queensland Tourism Digital Workforce Development and Training Plan.

This plan was prepared in partnership with QTIC by researchers from the Griffith Institute for Tourism – Associate Professor Sarah Gardiner, Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore and PhD candidate, Mr Ryan Yung – working with Senior Lecturer, Dr Jolon Faichney, from the School of Information and Communication Technology at Griffith University and Ms Tiana Armstrong.

Griffith University was commissioned by the QTIC to prepare this plan, with the funding support from the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training ‘Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund’.