Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and committed to tackling global challenges around partnerships for the goals.
Our Pacific Outlook blog features expert commentary and informed analysis on the latest Pacific news and affairs.
This joint Reserve Bank of Vanuatu-Griffith University working paper is part of an ongoing extensive research capacity building program led by Griffith University for the South Pacific central banks. The views and opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not reflect those of the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu or its Board. Read More
TESS NEWTON CAIN | Kiribati elections The two rounds of elections to decide the new Parliament have concluded. The Presidential elections will take… Read More
A more sophisticated and nuanced Pacific Step-up that addresses the challenges posed by coronavirus provides Australia with an opportunity to demonstrate to Pacific counterparts its ability and willingness to offer something that is different and more valuable than is available elsewhere. Read More
Initially, I ran Solomon Toktok single-handedly: collecting and writing stories, soliciting for advertisements, delivering papers at newspaper outlets, taking photographs, administering accounts and banking, newspaper wrapping and newspaper paste-up or lay-out, a task that I had hated most. It didn’t come easily to me as my training and background were in broadcast journalism. The same went for putting together headlines and captioning photographs. Read More
Some good news from the Pacific this week as World Health Organization figures show a dramatic slowing in the number of new cases across the… Read More
Infection figures remain low for the Pacific, but they have more than doubled since last week. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 215 positive cases in the Pacific, excluding Australia and New Zealand. Northern Marianas Islands have reported two more cases “under investigation”. Two people have died there. Read More