Our leaders tell us continually that they will stand up to China on behalf of Australia’s interests. But I cannot see how the deteriorating relations with what is still our largest trading partner serves Australia’s interests in any way. Moreover, Australians should understand that what looks like standing up to China to us often looks to Chinese like provocation.
The last week has seen an acceleration of the downward spiral of Australia-China relations. The Chinese are imposing killing tariffs on our wine and barley, with accusations of dumping. Meanwhile, the wolf warrior journalists are insulting Australia, even its military forces. All this is extremely unfortunate and indefensible. However, I still believe strongly that we should try to bring our relationship back on an even keel and doubt that China wants to cut Australia off altogether.
Please click here to read the full “Bad relations with China are not in Australia’s interest” article published at John Menadue, written by Griffith Asia Institute adjunct researcher, Emeritus Professor Colin Mackerras.