Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University moderated an informative session with Ms Denise Fisher, former Australian Consul-General to New Caledonia, Anthony Regan, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific and Emmanuel Thuay Tjibaou, Director, Centre Culturel Tjibaou as they shared their insights on the upcoming referenda in New Caledonia and Bougainville. Watch the #PerspectivesAsia seminar online.
Violent conflicts in New Caledonia (1980s) and Bougainville (1990s) were ended by political settlements between France and New Caledonia, and Papua New Guinea and Bougainville and could result in creation of two new small and potentially wealthy (mineral rich) Pacific states before the end of the current decade. Panelists discussed if the referendums will deliver outcomes that are generally accepted, or generate more conflict and the implications for regional relations.
Perspectives:Asia is presented by the Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University and the Australian Centre of Asia-Pacific Art (ACAPA) at QAGOMA. Previous Perspectives:Asia seminars are also available online.
Images: Chloe Callistemon