Many jobs today require digital skills. Even in your everyday life you need some level of digital competency, be it for using mobile phones, computers, devices, shopping, banking and keeping in touch with family and friends.
Developing these skills can empower you to effectively master the various digital competencies crucial for success in both academic and career progression. Here are some resources to get you started:
- Take the quiz: The Digital Dexterity Self-assessment Quiz will help you in pinpointing your
strengths in particular digital skills and identify areas where you might need a brush up.
- Access the Productivity Hub for free online student computing resources and software training through Microsoft 365.
- Enhance your skills through interactive modules with Office 365 Training.
- Polish up on your professional email communication.
- Optimise your social media skills to maximise the benefits of features and ensure your awareness of settings to help with privacy, security and access to personal data.
Explore the Library’s Develop digital skills web pages to find out more. If you need further support, contact the Library.