One of the best places to help you succeed at uni is the Library, but often new students don’t know about all the support and services we offer. That’s why we’ve gathered tips from experienced students about all the things they wish they knew in their first year. So, read on, benefit from their hindsight and find out all the ways the Library is ‘here to help’.  

I wish I knew… 

‘…there are laptops you can borrow’

Forgot your device and no free computers? You can borrow laptops for free for up to three hours. Just head to the Library desks with your ID card and you’re all set for your study sesh. 

‘…the library is open 24/7′

With our Nathan and Gold Coast libraries open 24/7, you can spend as much time here as you want! 

‘…I’m able to meet with Learning Advisers and Librarians!’

You can meet with specialist staff like Learning Advisors and Librarians for help with things like your academic writing, researching, and referencing. Use the help form to request a consultation today.  

‘…I can book group study spaces’

Everyone has different studying requirements, from absolute silence to group collaboration. Our libraries have study spaces to suit all your needs.   

‘…there are guides to help me do my referencing’

Every referencing system is different. Get acquainted with how each style works and pick up all those extra marks with the help of our referencing guides. 

‘…about the library workshops! They’re amazing!’

We run online workshops on referencing, research, academic writing, study skills and more. Register now before it’s too late! 

‘…the desks upstairs are comfier!’

There you have it. From a student at the Gold Coast. We have all manner of comfy chairs and desks at each of our campuses. 

‘…I can request interlibrary loans’

It’s true! If we don’t have an article or book in our collection that you’d love to read, you can request an interlibrary loan from another library. For free! 

And the Library offers so much more… 

To find out about all our wonderful services, contact the Library today. 

White words inside a red circle. The words read, ‘The Library: here to help’.Griffith University logo. Text reads 'Discover the resources you need in the Library Collection'