Only seven more days until our Open Access Week event: Community over Commercialisation: Candid conversations about Open Access 

Wednesday 1 November
11am – 12 noon
Live stream via Teams 

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During this live stream event, our panel of Griffith experts will share their approaches to open access which prioritise the best interests of the public and the academic community. 

Following on from our previous posts introducing our facilitator and two of our panellists, we would like to introduce our final two panellists: Associate Professor Nadine Connell and Professor Kyra Hamilton. 

Nadine is Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching) in Griffith’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Her research focuses on school violence, juvenile delinquency prevention, program and policy evaluation, and open search protocol methodologies. She has received grant funding from state and national agencies to better understand decision-making in at-risk youth, violence and drug prevention in schools, and the etiology of school-shootings. In her spare time, she enjoys running marathons and checking out Australia’s beautiful beaches.

Profile phot of Nadine Connell

Nadine Connell

Kyra has psychology and nursing qualifications and over 30 years’ experience in health. She is a Professor in the School of Applied Psychology and Menzies Health Institute Queensland, and Faculty Member in the Health Sciences Research Institute (HSRI), University of California, Merced. She is founder and director of the Health and Psychology Innovations (HaPI) research laboratory. Her main areas of research are health psychology and behavioural medicine with particular interests in health behaviour motivation, self-regulation and change. She focuses on behaviours of national and international importance to understand and intervene to change the beliefs, attitudes, motivations and behaviours of individuals, health professionals and policy makers. Kyra is particularly interested in understanding the multiple effects of motivational, volitional and automatic processes on health behaviour and applying integrative models of behaviour change as well as translation of research findings into policy and practice. 

Profile picture of Kyra Hamilton

Kyra Hamilton