Everyone belongs in the Library space, and for those who access and interact with the Griffith Library digitally, we have a wide variety of digital tools to support all your access needs.  

Our online resources, including the Library catalogue, our study pages, Library guides and databases are available 24/7, giving you the ability to read at your own pace. If you prefer other sites such as Google Scholar, check out our tools and apps to see how you can link Griffith Library access.  

The Library has a preferred policy of purchasing e-resources such as books and videos. This allows more accessible and flexible options to deliver our resources to support all learning needs. Downloadable PDFs can be made available from the catalogue and your Reading list which offers opportunities for those with vision disabilities to make use of screen-readers. Adobe Acrobat, which is freely available via Microsoft 365 to students, has an in-built reader. 

Griffith strives to ensure our website is as accessible as it can be in structure and format and regular accessibility checks are performed. 

Griffith offers software to support learning needs in our Library Assistive Technology rooms. Software provided includes Read&Write, ZoomTest, JAWS, NVDA and Dragon NaturallySpeaking that support learning and academic difficulties.    

Make sure to check out the Library’s Earlybird workshops – students can organise with Student Disability and Accessibility to have interpreters come in if needed. Short versions of these workshops, embedded with closed captions, are made available on the student orientation page afterwards. 

The Library has different methods of contact whether that be chat, request form and phone as per our webpage or on-site so if you are ever having access issues, please contact the Library. 


Belong and Connect with the Library digital space, subscribe to Library Connect blog today for tips, tricks and summaries of all the important resources and services to help you in your academic journey.   

 Griffith University logo. Text reads 'Discover the resources you need in the Library Collection'