Are you doing a group assignment or presentation this trimester? Not only is group work a great way to get to know your fellow students and gain different perspectives on a topic, but it also helps you to develop the skills needed for team environments in the workplace.
Group work can present some challenges; however The Study Skills Handbook has some tips to help you work together effectively, including:
- Set ground rules such as requiring attendance at meetings, fair contributions and respectful behaviour.
- Create a schedule as a group and complete tasks allocated within the set timeframe.
- Communicate via the chosen method for your group – for example, face to face, email, online meetings or group discussion forums. If you need a space to meet as a group you can book a study space in the Library.
- Make decisions as a group and keep a record of decisions.
- Practice good listening skills and ensure each member participates in group discussions.
- Give and receive feedback and constructive criticism.
- Learn how to manage conflict so that the group can move on from problems.
Check out Work in groups for more information or contact the library for help.