Balancing your academic and personal life is no small feat, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can thrive in both areas.  Here are some invaluable hints and tips to help you prioritise and nurture your wellbeing throughout your university experience.  

Stay active and prioritise sleep 

Physical and mental wellbeing are linked.  Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet and getting adequate sleep are critical in reducing stress. 

 Mindfulness and relaxation techniques 

Practice meditation, deep breathing or yoga. These simple actions can work wonders for stress reduction. 

 Time Management and setting realistic goals  

Learn to manage your time effectively. Use tools like calendars and planners to organise your schedule.  Break down large tasks into smaller manageable steps.  Prioritise assignments and deadlines to avoid last minute stress.  Establish achievable short term and long term goals. Celebrate your successes no matter how small and be realistic about what you can achieve.  

 Establish a support network  

Open communication with friends and mentors can help reduce any feelings of isolation and contribute to developing meaningful connections with your peers, academic staff and support staff. 

 Connect with others through hobbies or sport  

Building a support system is crucial.  Activities like painting, playing music or joining a sports team all help as a healthy distraction from stressors and study pressure. 

 Seek help when needed  

For support with your mental or physical wellbeing, check out the Online Health and Wellness Centre. Whether you’re dealing with stress or anxiety, kicking unhealthy habits or just want personal support, the Online Health and Wellness Centre can direct you to resources and services for the help you need. 

 And don’t forget the Library offers self-help resources to help you get the best from your study from developing study skills to exam preparation and more. If you need further in depth help you may wish to also speak to a  library specialist.  They can help you with referencing, finding articles and information for your assessments, improving your writing skills and structuring your assignments. 

Griffith University supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals  

The icon for Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals. An infinity symbol with the words reading Good health and well-beingSustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education



White words inside a red circle. The words read, ‘The Library: here to help’. Griffith University logo. Text reads 'Discover the resources you need in the Library Collection'