Research never stops, so join us this December for our upcoming online RED workshops. Focused on supporting researchers to articulate their research goals and build a clear strategy for individual career development, the Research Education and Development (RED) workshops are free and open to all Griffith researchers.
Tuesday 5 December, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Navigating the Publishing Maze for AEL & Business Early Career Researchers
This session will cover publishing advice given by a senior academic. On completion, participants will be able to understand the academic publishing process including:
– targeting journals
– the role of editors and reviewers
– the process of peer reviewing
– newer publishing models including open scholarship and transformative agreements
– assistance on offer at Griffith
Wednesday 6 December, 12 noon – 1:00 pm EndNote Q&A
Learn the basics and start using EndNote using the Library’s EndNote Basics Tutorial, then register to join the Endnote Q&A live virtual session. Bring your questions and get answers and tips from specialist librarians and other EndNote users.
Wednesday 6 December, 10:00 am – 11:00 am Managing your research data
An introduction to Data Management practices and to data related resources and services available to Griffith researchers throughout the various stages of the research life cycle. This is a companion workshop to Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity.
How do I join a workshop?
Register on the event page of the workshop you’d like to attend. All researcher workshops can be accessed via the Research Education and Development (RED) calendar.