This November the Library has a range of exciting workshops available to improve your research skills and prepare you for publication.
Wednesday 1 November 10am – 12noon Copyright, Outputs and Open Access Considerations for Creative and Performing Arts
Examine copyright, research output and open access considerations pertaining to creative and performing arts research.
Thursday 2 November 10am – 12noon Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity
Join us if you want to learn to make research more reproducible and ensure you are aware of best practice guidelines.
Friday 3 November 10am – 11:30am Managing your research literature
Explore practical strategies and tools researchers can use to identify themes and organise your research.
Wednesday 8 November 10am – 12noon Data organisation in spreadsheets for researcher
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn good data entry practices and some approaches for managing and manipulating data in spreadsheets.
Thursday 9 November 10am – 12noon Systematic style reviews: Tips and tools for getting from start to finish
Join your library specialists to learn about tips and tools that can simplify your systematic and systematic-style reviews from start to finish.
Thursday 09 November 1pm – 2pm How to pitch & write for The Conversation
Learn about the benefits of writing for The Conversation and how to go about it, with a Q&A session at the end.
Friday 10 November 10am – 12noon How to Turn your Thesis into a Book
This workshop explores the steps necessary to turn a humanities or social sciences PhD thesis into a research monograph.
Tuesday 14 November 11am – 11:45am Research metrics express: Find my top 5 publications
Learn strategies for finding and determining top publications to include in your next grant application.
Wednesday 15 November 10am – 11:30am Conveying the argument in academic writing
Learn how to develop a clear argument in your writing as well as how to identify arguments in the writing of others.
Thursday 16 November 10am – 12:30pm Managing a funded research grant
Join us to find out how the University will help you to deal with the funding agreement, managing the money, procurement, employing staff, doing the research as well as collecting data and reporting.
Thursday 16 November 10:30am – 12noon Writing the literature review
Building on the Managing your research literature workshop, learn strategies to help plan, structure and write your literature review.
Tuesday 21 November 10am – 12noon Publishing during your PhD
This workshop provides the requirements and guidelines for publishing as part of your PhD thesis.
Wednesday 22 November 10am – 11:30am Data Storytelling
This session is for researchers to learn how to use the data, visuals, and narrative to bring together the story of their research.
Thursday 23 November 10am – 12noon Systematic style reviews in Health: Building a robust search strategy
Your library specialists will demonstrate expert search techniques using an example systematic review research question, for you to later apply to your own review search strategy.
Monday 27 November 10am – 11:30am Library searching for literature reviews
In this workshop your Library specialists will provide invaluable information and demonstrate searching systematically in library databases using example topics. You can later apply these techniques to your own search.
Wednesday 29 November 10am – 12noon Introduction to Data Cleaning with Open Refine
Learn basic data cleaning techniques using open source tool OpenRefine in this hands-on workshop.
How do I join a workshop?
Register on the event page of the workshop you would like to attend. All researcher workshops can be accessed via the Research Education and Development (RED) calendar.
For more information please contact the Library.