Would you like to receive alerts for new results in your saved library catalogue searches? You can now opt-in to receive weekly search alerts for new results on any searches. 

You can create alerts by signing into My Account, performing your search, then using the ‘Create alert’ option.  



Alternatively, you can save your search and create an alert from your account under ‘Saved searches’. 



Once you set up an alert, you’ll be sent a weekly reports of new search results, with the top five results highlighted in the email. To see a customised view of all the new search results, click on the ‘See all new items’ button in the email.  


 Alerts will run for 12 months, or if you’d like to cancel, you can unsubscribe or deactivate the alerts via the toggle in the ‘Saved searches’ area of My Account or from the bottom of the emails. 




White words inside a red circle. The words read, ‘The Library: here to help’. Griffith University logo. Text reads 'Discover the resources you need in the Library Collection'