Exam weeks are the most stressful moments of your student life. Which is why the moment exams are done, it’s time to relax and recharge! 

A little bit of self-love goes a long way. So, let’s have a look at some ways to help you chill and get recharged. 


Take the day off. Sleep in, stay in your pjs and be as lazy as you want. Enjoy not having to get up and rush around with one eye on the clock. You’re probably more tired than you think! Relax! You deserve it. 

Catch up on your favourite shows 

Grab your favourite snacks and settle in for some serious binge watching. Sit back and get lost in all those movies and series you have been eager to see.  

Catch up with friends and family 

Social time with friends and family is also a good way to wind down. Especially if you have had to pass up on many occasions due to study commitments. Laughter is the best therapy! So, plan a get together with those friends and boost your happiness and reduce that stress. Get the family together and sit down and enjoy a leisurely meal.  

Get some exercise 

A good way to release all the stress built up during exams is with a good exercise session. Go for a run, bike ride or hit the gym. Not only does it help you feel fitter, exercising also releases feel good endorphins. It’s a win-win situation! 

Treat yourself  

If you feel like you need a little more pampering, try booking in a professional massage or a spa day. Bring a friend along and make a day of it. Or simply take a hot bath. Soak away your stress and play some relaxing music. A good bath cleanses both your body and spirit. 

If you have already done too much relaxing and want to get a head start on next trimester, the Library is open and here to help. Check out our  opening hours on the Library website. 


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