Starting at university can be a bit overwhelming when there’s so much information everywhere by everyone all the time. Sometimes that information can be good and helpful and sometimes it’s out-of-date and confusing. Whether you’re a first year, partway through your course or thinking of changing degrees, try using our library guides to find databases and specialised resources for your discipline.
Library guides are hand-picked lists of resources that are specific to your subject—they recommend books and ebooks, websites, databases, journals, videos, statistics and more. Accessing varied information in diverse formats can provide unique points and perspectives to support all learning styles.
The guides are broken down into eight different subjects:
- Business and government
- Criminology and law
- Education
- Health
- Humanities, social sciences and languages
- Music and performing arts
- Science and technology
- Visual and creative arts.
Check out Griffith’s library guides today to discover the right resources for you.