A new sensory friendly study space has opened at the Nathan library. The space can be found on Level 1 of the Library (N53) in room 1.51. This space is ideal for any student who would like to study in a quiet and distraction free zone. The space has been designed in collaboration with the Griffith Disability and Accessibility team and the student collective Griffith Accessibility and Disability Support (GrADS). 

A picture of the Sensory Friendly study space featuring two long sofas and three desks with chairs and adjustable lights.

The Sensory Friendly space features adjustable low-level lights and comfortable couches.

The room features: 

  • adjustable lighting 
  • silent space 
  • free from food smells 
  • neutral colours 
  • individual desks. 

: A picture of the sensory friendly space featuring two sofas and four individual desks with adjustable lights.


A map of the ground level of the Nathan Library. The sensory friendly space is highlighted in yellow and some key features such as the entrances and library help desk are labelled.


And best of all, everyone is welcome.