International Men’s Health Week 2021 is 14 – 20 June. This week serves to increase awareness of global male health issues and to encourage health policies and services that meet the specific needs of men, boys and their families. Here are some statistics that showcase the rates of men’s mental and physical health:
- Men live 4.4 years less than other genders
- 94% of workforce fatalities are men
- More than 75% of deaths by suicide in Australia are men
- 360,000 Australian men are living with an eating disorder
- Accidents, cancer and heart disease all account for the majority of male deaths
- These rates are worse for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, refugee men, men in or newly released from prison and men from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Men must preventatively manage their health before it’s too late. Equally, health services need to know how to reach out to, communicate with and engage with men and their families to ensure men feel supported in accessing healthcare.
Griffith Library is taking time this week to check in with the men in our community—especially during exam period—and we’re asking all of you to join us! We want everyone to know that there’s no shame in asking for help.
Here are some things you can do to make an impact this week:
- Check in with your mates and ask if they’re okay
- Get in touch with three close friends and go for a walk or play a game together
- Find a GP near you and book an appointment
- Make sure you’re eating, sleeping and taking regular breaks this exam period
- Schedule time for self-care and doing the things you love
- Visit the Men’s Health Week website for events around Queensland
- Read the Men’s Health Forum factsheets.
Are you or someone you know feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping with everyday life?
At Griffith, we offer counselling services for students and staff. You can learn more and make a booking at the Griffith Counselling and Wellbeing site.
Additionally, here are some organisations and services that may be able to help:
- Use the Lifeline crisis support service
- Contact the MensLine Australia counselling service
- Find a Men’s Shed near you.