NAIDOC Week 2020 is from 8 – 15 November and the theme for this year is Always Was, Always Will Be.
Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.
NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that Australia’s story didn’t begin with documented European contact—the very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples.
Griffith University is proud to have Queensland’s largest cohort of indigenous students and the second largest number of First Nations academic staff in Australia.
Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students continue the tradition of being this continents explorers, navigators, engineers, farmers, botanists, scientists, diplomats, astronomers and artists. A tradition that stretches back thousands of years before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge.
NAIDOC Week 2020 encourages all Australians to embrace the full history and culture of this country, which dates back thousands of generations.
Explore more of our continent’s extensive indigenous history and culture at the NAIDOC Week website.
Or, gain an understanding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective at Share our Pride.
You can also discover our rich indigenous languages at First Languages Australia.
So, this week celebrate and acknowledge that we have the privilege to live in a country that has the world’s oldest continuing culture. A beautiful and unique history that Always Was, Always Will Be.