Griffith’s research repository, Griffith Research Online (GRO), has reached a major milestone with 20 million downloads. We’re celebrating by sharing why GRO is so important and how we are working to make Griffith’s research discoverable and accessible.
Wherever you are in your research – early career, higher degree or academic – you know that having your research discoverable is vital. As Brydie Bartleet, Director of the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre and Deputy Director Research at the Conservatorium, Griffith University, commented in a recent interview:
Having my research discoverable online is obviously of critical importance. You want your research to be read and engaged with by others, otherwise why would you do it? I’m not interested in doing research to gather dust somewhere in a library that no-one can access or read. So you want to feel like you’re making a contribution to knowledge and to your discipline and to your field, and advancing ideas. And of course that helps you to engage with other scholars who are looking at this work from across the world and results in many opportunities to collaborate internationally.
GRO’s purpose is to make research discoverable and equitable with around 65% of its over 90,000 research outputs being open access, meaning full text articles are freely available to all. The availability of research outputs is not only vital within the research community, nationally and internationally, but also within society at large. GRO makes research discoverable to those who are unable to go into a library and easily access paid academic journals or databases.
Demonstrating the value of Griffith’s work in making its research discoverable is GRO’s 2020 Leiden Ranking. Across Australian repositories GRO was ranked number 4 and number 5 for its percentage of Green Open Access and Total Open Access content, respectively. An important contribution to Griffith’s overall success in moving into the top 250 universities in the world.
The Library works to increase the reach of research in GRO through our blog Library Connect, with posts showcasing Griffith researcher’s stories and the passion behind their research:
Your choice of clothes – and how you wash them – can affect our environment
Shark Awareness Day Myth Busters
Stroke Week 2020 – Restoring Physical and Mental Well-Being to Stroke Patients
GRO has a wide range of resources including:
- 60,740 Journal articles
- 13,029 Conference papers
- 8,804 Book chapters
- 3,915 Griffith Higher Degree by Research theses
- 2,230 Books
- 718 Reports
- 174 Creative works.
So start discovering in Griffith Research Online.