End of Trimester assignments and exams are almost upon us and the library is here to support you, not only with advice on referencing and assignments, but with our Online Relaxation Stations.
Each week until the end of Trimester we will share relaxation tips, videos and resources to help you take a break from study and de-stress.
This week our Relaxation Station is focusing on yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. All these techniques can help you relax, find calm and peace of mind, and reduce anxiety.
Yoga – you don’t need to be flexible or athletic to benefit from Yoga. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your desk. You can find a range of free Yoga videos on YouTube like this 5-Minute Break – Office Yoga.
Mindfulness and Meditation – you can find links to a range of free apps and audio exercises for mindfulness and meditation on Griffith University’s Counselling and Wellbeing site.
Breathing techniques – try this breathing technique from Beyond Blue to relax when you’re feeling stressed or anxious.