Updated January 12, 2022
Hello to everyone enrolling in the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at Griffith University for 2021. Please use this page as the first place to check for information about starting the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at Griffith University (Gold Coast and Nathan campuses).
So check back often to see what has been updated.
Subject to any future government/university COVID-related directives, we are planning for courses this year to take place face-to-face on campus. There may still be some online content or even classes in some courses, but you should plan to attend your home campus on a regular basis.
Please read the course timetables carefully when you are enrolling to ensure that you have taken account for travel time.
Griffith University is implementing a Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination or Testing Policy The policy requires all staff and students of Griffith University to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (or be medically exempt) by 18 February 2022, two weeks prior to the start of Orientation Week for Trimester 1 2022.
Please be aware that if you choose not to be vaccinated (and are not medically exempt) you will not be able to complete the program. Although the university policy allows for regular testing as an alternative to vaccination, vaccination is a mandatory Fit for Professional Practice requirement for practice education.
If you wish to discuss the implications of this please contact Professor Matthew Molineux.
Please note that you MUST meet all your mandatory practice education requirements by the end of Trimester 1 – you will not be able to enrol in 1321AHS in Trimester 2 if you are not compliant and this will delay your studies. Some of the requirements take months to achieve so start NOW. All information is on the Fit for Professional Practice website https://www.griffith.edu.au/griffith-health/fit-for-professional-practice follow the links for occupational therapy.
You will find out about SONIA in due course, but at this stage please start working on the mandatory requirements and gathering your evidence.
Please review the minimum IT requirements for study at Griffith – follow this link – to ensure you have what you need to study effectively this year. Please note that to participate in online classes (if you have any) you will require a webcam and microphone.
Remember that you can access IT facilities on campus as well.
If you have a disability or health issue please be aware that Griffith has a number of supports and services available for you. You can find out more at this webpage.
If you have a disability or health issue, you are strongly encouraged to speak to the Program Director, Professor Matthew Molineux, as soon as possible. The earlier we know about your situation the better we can support you.
Q1 How do I find what textbooks are required?
Textbooks for all courses will be included in the Course Profiles which will be available via the Programs and Courses database and Learning@Griffith, once they have been approved and released sometime in mid/late February. PLEASE NOTE – There is no textbook for 1311AHS.
Q2 What are the important codes etc I need for enrolment?
You should be enrolled in the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (program code 1400) at either Gold Coast or Nathan. For Year 1, Trimester 1, you should enrol in the following courses if you plan to follow the typical full-time program:
1311AHS Occupation and Occupational Therapy I
1016MSC Anatomy and Physiology Systems I
1002MSC Introduction to Biomedical Data Analysis
1008HSV Interpersonal Skills
Q3 How do I apply for credit for some courses?
You need to review the information at the link below and contact the Academic Credit team. https://www.griffith.edu.au/apply/credit-transfer
Q4 How do I find a Course Convenor?
You should search for the course, using the codes above (e.g. 1311AHS) in the Programs and Courses database. https://www.griffith.edu.au/study/courses
Q5 What is the advised program plan for part-time students?
Students can enrol part-time for Years 1 and 2. There is no ‘advised’ program plan. If you are studying part-time, it is suggested that you study the two Occupation and Occupational Therapy courses in the same academic year, i.e. 1311AHS Occupation and Occupational Therapy I in Trimester 1 and 1321AHS Occupation and Occupational Therapy II in Trimester 2. If you are planning to study courses in any order other than that listed in the programs and courses catalogue then please make an appointment to see the Program Director, Professor Matthew Molineux.
Q6 Can I study some second year courses if I have credit for some first year courses?
If you have been given credit for any of the first year courses then you may be able to enrol in courses that are usually completed in Year 2. If you are planning to study courses in any order other than that listed in the programs and courses catalogue then please make an appointment to see the Program Director, Professor Matthew Molineux.
Q7 What is classes are full?
If classes are full when you try to enrol, or you can’t get into the class you would prefer, please check back in the enrolment system over the next few days as spaces may open up as the course convenor opens more spaces. If you are still not able to enrol, please contact the course convenor.
Orientation week, or ‘O Week’, is the official start of your first academic year and runs March 7-11, 2022. There will be a wide range of activities to help you get to know the university and the services and facilities available, get to know other students, and to start thinking about life as a student at Griffith University.
There will be optional university-wide orientation activities and compulsory occupational therapy orientation activities.
The compulsory occupational therapy O Week sessions are as follows – please attend the session for your home campus;
Gold Coast campus
Thursday, March 10, 0845-1700
room G01_2.12 – click here for campus maps
Nathan campus
Friday, March 11, 0845-1700
room N29_0.06 – click here for campus maps
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