Our Year 3 student occupational therapists will be completing individual 30-minute presentations on Monday June 11, Tuesday June 12, and Monday June 18 on the Gold Coast campus. The students will be presenting about a client they have worked with on their current practice education placement and linking that to different aspects of theory.

We are looking for occupational therapists who may be interested in working with academic staff as assessors for the presentations. Over the past two years, we have been fortunate to have the expertise of a range of therapists volunteer and join us for this work. This has been a great experience for our students, who really value that our professional partners are interested in their work and provide them with feedback on their knowledge and skills.

If you are interested in assisting with assessing (either for the full day or for a half-day session), please contact Dr Michelle Bissett on m.bissett@griffith.edu.au or (07) 5552 9573 by Friday May 18 and advise of the days/times you would be able to assist.

A briefing session will be held for all assessors closer to the date to enable familiarisation with the marking criteria and standards for assessment. Parking may be available on request.