We are about to commence recruiting students for the 2018-2019 honours cohort. These students will commence in the second half of 2018 and submit their thesis in October 2019.
A hallmark of the GriffithOT Honours Program is our partnerships with external occupational therapists, some for single projects and some for multiple or ongoing projects, and so we are seeking expressions of interest for potential research projects and co-supervisors.
Please note that the number of honours students who enter the program is limited by student eligibility, student acceptance, and GriffithOT supervision capacity.
As honours projects contribute to the research of GriffithOT they must have a clear and explicit focus on, or link to, human occupation, the link between occupation and health, and/or important professional issues.
Honours projects…
- are completed part-time from approximately August 2018 until October 2019.
- need to be of a size and scope appropriate for the amount of time the student can commit to the project.
- result in three key outputs;
- A literature review (e.g. scoping review, systematic review, mapping review) prepared for submission to a peer-reviewed journal.
- A research paper, prepared for submission to a peer-reviewed journal, reporting the research study conducted.
- A thesis for submission to the university that includes the two outputs above and additional material.
- All students will have a GriffithOT academic member of staff as their primary supervisor.
- Supervision provided by external parties is provided in-kind as a contribution to the research project and outcomes.
- Authorship of publications and presentations will be informed by relevant international guidelines and will typically be discussed early in the research process and reviewed as necessary.
- External occupational therapists can be involved in supervising honours projects in one of two approaches:
- as a co-supervisor which includes participation in student supervision meetings (usually weekly depending on the stage of the project) with other supervisors and contributing to the design and conduct of the research, which may include facilitating access to participants/data, analysing data, commenting of draft papers/chapters etc. Co-supervision might typically require 2-3 hours per week of work to enable participation in supervision meetings, providing feedback on written work, gathering information etc.
- as a member of a project reference/advisory group which includes occasional meeting with the student and research supervisors, provide expert clinical advice, facilitation access to participants/data. This role might require approximately two hours per month to attend a meeting, gathering information etc.
If you would like to submit an expression of interest in research supervision or a potential research project proposal, please complete this Project proposal form and return it to m.molineux@griffith.edu.au by May 8, 2018.
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