Join us this October for our upcoming online RED workshops designed to equip you with knowledge and skills to succeed on your research journey.  

Tuesday 1 October, 10am to 11:30am Copyright, outputs and open access considerations for creative and performing arts 

This seminar will examine copyright, research output and open access considerations pertaining to creative and performing arts research.  

Wednesday 2 October, 10am to 11:30am Conveying the argument in academic writing 

Develop a clear argument in your writing as well as identifying arguments in the writing of others. This workshop is suited to Higher Degree Research candidates. 

Wednesday 2 October, 1pm to 2:30pm Springer Nature publishing workshop 

Find out about the role of publishing in today’s academic environment and what topics such as open access mean for researchers.  

Wednesday 9 October, 10am to 11:30am  Introduction to REDCap at Griffith 

Learn how to build and deploy projects in REDCap, one of Griffith’s supported research survey tools.  

Monday 14 October, 10am to 11am EndNote Q&A 

Learn the basics and start using EndNote using the Library’s EndNote Basics Tutorial, then register to join the Endnote Q&A live virtual session. Bring your questions and get answers and tips from specialist librarians and other EndNote users. 

Wednesday 16 October, 10am to 11am Researcher profiles: Symplectic elements and Griffith Experts 

This workshop is aimed at academic staff who are researchers who are seeking to collect and manage their research outputs through Symplectic Elements and enhance their Griffith Experts profile to ensure their academic dashboard is up-to-date.  

Wednesday 23 October, 10am to noon Improving the tone and style of your academic writing 

Gather strategies to develop your writing skills in order to compose text that has appropriate tone and style, providing clarity for the reader. 

Tuesday 29 October, 10am to 11am Has my research had policy impact? 

This workshop will discuss what policy impact is, how you can design it into your research, and how you can demonstrate it.   

Wednesday 30 October, 10am to 11am  Managing your research literature: Digital tools taster 

Discover digital tools researchers can use to organise and keep track of information extracted from research literature. Tools such as EndNote, spreadsheets, forms and other tools will be highlighted. 

Thursday 31 October, 10am to 11:30am Copyright, publishing and open access considerations 

This seminar will examine copyright, publishing and open access considerations across all research disciplines. 

Register on the event page of the workshop you’d like to attend. All researcher workshops can be accessed via the Researcher Education and Development (RED) calendar. 

For more information, please contact the Library.  

White words inside a red circle. The words read, ‘The Library: here to help’.Griffith University logo. Text reads 'Discover the resources you need in the Library Collection'