This August the Library is offering a series of valuable workshops tailored to researchers across various disciplines:
Thursday 8 August 10am to 12noon – Reproducible research: building business continuity
Researchers genuinely want to make their research more reproducible but sometimes do not know where to start or are not aware that best practice guidelines might exist. This workshop will help you to identify ways to make your research reproducible; safeguard against fraud and secure your data.
Monday 12 August 11am to 12noon – SciVal: new navigation and user interface
SciVal allows researchers to locate bibliometric (metrics) data about their publications and undertake in-depth publication analysis, using data from Scopus. SciVal has a new user interface and navigation. Whether you’re new to SciVal or a seasoned SciVal user, this webinar will familiarise you with the new layout and learn tips and tricks about how best to use SciVal.
Tuesday 13 August 10am to 12noon – Navigating the publishing maze for AEL & Business early career researchers This session will cover publishing advice given by a senior academic and enhance understanding of the publishing process including, targeting journals; the role of editors and reviewers; peer review process; publisher models and assistance available at Griffith.
Thursday 15 August 10am to 11am – Managing your research literature: Identifying themes and ideas
Explore practical strategies researchers can use to organise and identify themes in research literature to support the writing process. On completion of this workshop, participants will be familiar with tools and strategies such as LATCH, literature grids and concept mapping. This session is followed-up by the Analysing the literature and writing the review workshop in approximately two weeks’ time.
Thursday 15 August 11am to 12noon – SciVal for grant success
This webinar will help familiarise you with using SciVal and understand where to locate key metrics to include in your grant application including:
- Publication metrics
- Using benchmarking for competitive analysis
- Finding top authors in a subject area of Topic
Friday 16 August 10am to 12noon – Navigating the publishing maze for Science & Health early career researchers This session will cover publishing advice given by a senior academic and enhance understanding of the publishing process including, targeting journals; the role of editors and reviewers; peer review process; publisher models and assistance available at Griffith.
Tuesday 20 August 12noon to 2pm – Publishing during your PhD
Provides the requirements and guidelines for publishing as part of your PhD thesis.
Wednesday 21 August 10am to 12noon – Data organisation in spreadsheets for researchers
Learn good data organisation practices using spreadsheets. Explore how to structure data in a way that computers can read it. This workshop is based on the Data Carpentry workshop for Social Scientists.
Wednesday 28 August 10am to 11.30am – Analysing the literature and writing your review
Building on the “managing your research literature” workshop, learn strategies to help plan, structure and write your literature review.
Wednesday 28 August 10am to 11am – Covidence training
Elevate your research with expert-led Covidence training. Bring your own device and dive into:
- extracting data for systematic and scoping reviews
- collaborating effectively throughout the review process.
There are limited seats available, so please make sure to book early!
How do I join a workshop?
Register on the event page of the workshop you would like to attend. All researcher workshops can be accessed via the Research Education and Development (RED) calendar.
For more information please contact the Library.