This July the Library has a range of exciting workshops available to improve your academic writing skills and managing your research data.
Tuesday 2 July 10am to 11.30am – Conveying the argument in academic writing
Develop a clear argument in your writing as well as identifying arguments in the writing of others.
Thursday 4 July 10am to 11.30am – Writing a Journal Article
Writing a journal article to communicate your research findings is a key skill for your academic career; showing your viability as a researcher, as well as showcasing your ability to disseminate your findings to your intended audience. This workshop will examine the features and structure of journal articles and discuss tips to help you shape your ideas into a publishable format.
Wednesday 10 July 10am to 10.45am – Managing your research data
An introduction to Data Management practices and to data related resources and services available to Griffith researchers throughout the various stages of the research life cycle. This is a companion workshop to Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity.
Wednesday 17 July 10am to 12noon – External Research Datasets
An exploratory session for researchers on major virtual data labs and portals. Discover large, interdisciplinary datasets to support research.
Wednesday 24 July 10am to 11am – Formatting your Thesis- Self-paced tutorial and Q&A session
This online session will allow participants to ask any questions they may have after going through the resource provided upon registration. This resource contains video lessons on using Microsoft Word’s automated settings and features to apply consistent formatting throughout a document and manage long documents efficiently.
Thursday 25 July 10am to 11am – Endnote – Self-paced tutorial and Q&A session
Learn the basics and start using EndNote using the Library’s EndNote Basics Tutorial, then register to join the Endnote Q&A live virtual session. Bring your questions and get answers and tips from specialist librarians and other EndNote users.
Wednesday 31 July 10am to 11.30am – Library searching for literature reviews
In this workshop your Library specialists will provide invaluable information and demonstrate searching systematically in library databases using example topics. You can later apply these techniques to your own search.
Thursday 1 August 1pm to 2.30pm – Introduction to REDCap at Griffith
Learn how to build and deploy projects in REDCap (Research Data Capture), one of Griffith’s supported research survey tools. This session is for anyone looking to gather study data but will be most valuable for researchers considering clinical trials.
How do I join a workshop?
Register on the event page of the workshop you would like to attend. All researcher workshops can be accessed via the Research Education and Development (RED) calendar.
For more information please contact the Library.