Trimester 2 is quickly approaching and the Library is here to help teaching staff get their courses ready. A key task prior to the start of each new trimester is ensuring that your course reading list is up-to-date. Reading lists can really help your students by providing a convenient one-stop location for all their required and recommended readings.
Why use reading lists?
Students can:
- access their course readings in one definitive online list which integrates with their Learning@Griffith course site and to the course profile system
- link directly through to readings that are online
- export a citation list, add notes and annotate readings and even track reading progress.
Teaching staff can:
- quickly add a wide variety of resources, including online resources from the Library collection (eBooks, articles, streaming video), freely accessible resources from the internet, images, and request digitisations of print resources
- customise reading lists to suit their teaching – by week, module, topic or assessment item.
The Library can help:
- ensure new required resources added to lists are available and online access maintained
- ensure all online resource links are maintained and updated for seamless connection and within our publisher licensing agreements
- resolve copyright issues for digitisations and automate copyright compliance to assist the university in meeting our legal requirements.
You can find information on how to create and get the best out of reading lists with our easy to use how-to guides and videos. But if you ever feel you need any extra assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Library.