Your thesis is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, an original and significant contribution to your field of study. It stands to reason you would want to showcase your efforts on the world stage.  


When you deposit your thesis or any published, peer reviewed research outputs you make during your HDR candidature into Griffith University’s repository, Griffith Reasearch Online (GRO) anyone with access to the internet can access your work. 


GRO is an open and accessible digital archive that is discoverable through Google, Google Scholar and the National Library’s Trove database. It increases the visibility, reach and impact of your research. 


Although it is a requirement of your candidature to submit your work into GRO, the benefits are many: 

  1. With your work publicly available and accessible, it will be easier to find and increase the likelihood that it will be cited by others.  
  2. Your work will be safely preserved and sufficiently described, making it available for researchers long into the future.  
  3. In making your research open and discoverable the opportunities for collaboration with academia, industry and policy makers increase.  
  4. You can be assured your research outputs align with Griffith’s open research principles and with national and international initiatives that foster open research, ‘making research as open as possible and as closed as necessary’.   


Instructions on when and how to submit your thesis and publications can be found on the Griffith Graduate Research School’s (GGRS) Thesis Submission and Examination and Publishing During Candidature pages.  


Is submission still in the future? Do you need help with publishing your article? Then don’t forget to check out the upcoming Researcher Education Development (RED) workshops such as: 

Any questions? Contact the Library.