10 December is Human Rights Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR enshrines the rights of all human beings and established for the first time the indivisible and inalienable rights of all humanity. 

This year the theme is ‘Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All’. It also marks the beginning of a year-long campaign in the lead-up to the UDHR’s 75-year anniversary next year. 

Get involved 

You can do your part by taking action: 

  • Help spread the word by telling your friends and family about this important day 
  • Use the hashtags #StandUp4HumanRights and #HumanRightsDay when discussing this issue on social media 
  • Browse and select your favourite article within the UDHR 
  • Learn more about the UDHR. 

Explore Griffith research 

Find out more about the important work Griffith researchers are doing in this space by checking out these recent articles: 

Discover more recent open access research on human rights on Griffith Research Online.