‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants’ – Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Few people can claim to possess the mind of a genius like Newton, but even he had the humility to acknowledge that the work done by the thinkers and inventors that came before him made his own discoveries possible.
This might be a lofty metaphor to apply to referencing in a university assignment, but one of the foundations of academic integrity is that before we can claim an original idea, we must give credit to the work others have done which made it possible, and never pass off the ideas of other people as our own (otherwise known as plagiarism). The most common way of maintaining academic integrity at university is by properly referencing other people’s work throughout your own essays, reports and theses. Referencing correctly can seem difficult, but fortunately the Library is here to help!
Referencing guides
Depending on the school or discipline you’re studying in, you’ll be required to use a particular referencing style in your work. Griffith Library has created easy-to-use guides for each of the styles used at Griffith University. Bookmark our referencing guides page now and have it ready to go whenever you start an assignment! Always check with your course convenor about which referencing style you’re expected to use before you begin.
Referencing workshops
The Library will be running workshops on referencing and assignment writing throughout Trimester 3. Book your place here.
One-on-one help
If you’re still stuck, our librarians and learning advisers can give you some more specialised assistance to improve your academic writing, study and referencing skills. Use our Get help from the Library form to request a consultation.
For general enquiries you can contact us via chat, phone, email or visit us on campus. Check out our webpage for all contact information and opening hours.