Did you know the American Psychological Association (APA) writing and referencing style originated in 1929? The style has experienced many changes since then; most recently, in October 2019, the APA style manual was updated from the 6th edition to the 7th edition.  

While APA 6 has served us well, the time has come to say goodbye.   

The APA recommended that writers and editors ‘make the switch’ and adopt the 7th edition from January 2020 or thereafter. In accordance with this advice, we’re now archiving the APA 6 referencing guide. You’ll still be able to access the 6th edition via a legacy link on the APA 7 guide until the end of February 2023, when it will be permanently retired.  

Need help with referencing? Check out our Referencing guides, attend a Library workshop or access specialist advice through the Get help from the Library form.