Communication is essential to a person’s development and quality of life. Being able to share information and be understood is crucial to forming relationships and engaging in education and employment. Because of this, people with communication disabilities face many barriers to participating equally in society. 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, approximately 1.2 million Australians have some level of communication disability. These disabilities are most often found in children and older people. 

That’s why the theme for this year’s Speech Pathology Week (22 – 28 August) is: Communication is everyone’s right. Communication is a basic human right and Speech Pathology Week seeks to make Australians aware of this. 

Every day, researchers at Griffith University are working on important projects seeking to enhance the communication abilities of people across all walks of life and from diverse backgrounds. 

The following open access research, held in Griffith Research Online (GRO), is a snapshot of the research being undertaken at Griffith to help ensure everyone can communicate with confidence:  

Visit GRO to discover more open access speech pathology research.