Submission of the final thesis is the ultimate milestone for any higher degree research (HDR) student. As theses are the culmination of years of work, it’s only fitting that we celebrate passing the one millionth download of a Griffith HDR Theses from our repository, Griffith Research Online (GRO).
As higher degree research often reflects the cutting edge of knowledge, it’s vital that this research is available not only within the research community, nationally and internationally, but also for the general public. Since the HDR Theses collection was moved to GRO three years ago, the collection has grown by 36% and become available to the widest possible audience. Over the past six months, Australia was the top country for item views whilst Russia was the top country for downloads—77,293!
GRO hosts papers on a vast array of topics, from research on chemical compounds and medical treatments to politics and social work, but the most popular paper of the past six months was Stefano Barone’s thesis on youth culture and music, Fragile scenes: Metal, rap, and electro in post-revolutionary Tunisia, which was downloaded 3,524 times.
Have a look today at the great research in GRO’s Theses—Higher Degree by Research collection and explore these statistics in more detail.