Does the word ‘copyright’ fill you with dread?  

The Library is here to help! Our resources and support can help you better understand your obligations surrounding copyright and ensure that your teaching materials are copyright compliant. 

What is copyright? 

Copyright law determines when and how you can copy, publish, communicate or perform works that others have created. For academics, this means that copyright enables you to use works that others have created in your teaching and learning activities.  

Where do I start? 

The copyright matters website has all the information you need to learn about copyright for teaching. Start by watching the short Copyright and teaching on Learning@Griffith video to understand the six key copyright topics that you should know.  

The copyright for teaching webpage has guidelines for requesting digitisation of hardcopy books for your Reading List, using images in your PowerPoint presentations, linking material in Learning@Griffith and more. 

If you want to use other people’s work in your lectures, take a look at the copyright guide for lectures. There’s also advice about seeking a copyright owner’s permission to use their work and how copyright should be considered for use in teaching tools other than Learning@Griffith. 

Need more help? 

The Information Policy Officer provides copyright advice and training across Griffith University for staff and students. Contact by emailing [email protected]. 

If your students have any questions about how copyright affects their studies, refer them to the copyright matters website or contact the Information Policy Officer to organise training for your course. 

For advice on ownership and development of potentially commercial copyright, inventions and other intellectual property created by staff and students, contact Griffith Enterprise.