ABS Microdata files are an important collection of data for Griffith University researchers that contain detailed information about individuals, businesses and other groups from a range of sources including surveys, Census and administrative collections. Each record of a micro dataset represents information relating to one person, household or business.


Microdata services include:

  • TableBuilder—build, customise, save and export your own tables of aggregate data, graphs and maps in a range of output formats.
  • TableBuilder Pro—designed for advanced Census data users who want to create large and/or complex tables. TableBuilder Pro provides access to nearly all variables available in the Census data, supporting a large variety of cross-classified tables.
  • MicrodataDownload—download basic Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs) to conduct statistical analyses in your own environment.
  • DataLab—access to highly detailed microdata and expanded CURFs, in a secure environment with strict controls. Statistical analysis skills are needed by applicants to use the range of software packages available.

Compare Microdata services to see which one suits your research needs.


Highlighted collections

TableBuilder Pro provides access to nearly all variables available in the Census data, supporting a large variety of cross-classified tables. Researchers and HDR candidates can access the following ABS TableBuilder datasets via the Griffith University subscription:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • Australian Census Longitudinal Data
  • Australian Census
  • Childhood Education and Care
  • Community Engagement with Nature Conservation
  • Crime and Safety
  • Cultural Activities
  • Disability Ageing and Carers
  • Education and Work
  • Family Characteristics
  • General Social Data
  • Household Use of Information Technology
  • Income Housing Wealth and Expenditure
  • Labour Force
  • Migrants
  • Motor Vehicles
  • National Health Survey
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Patient Experiences
  • Preschool Education
  • Qualifications and Work
  • Sport and Physical Recreation
  • Work-Related Injuries
  • Work-Related Training and Adult Learning

Screen showing numbers arranged in rows

Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) via DataLab is a partnership among six Australian Government agencies to combine longitudinal information on healthcare, education, government payments and personal income tax with population demographics to create a comprehensive picture of Australia over time. Read about approved research projects using MADIP.

Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) via DataLab combines business tax data and information from ABS surveys over time to provide a better understanding of Australian businesses and the economy.  Read about current research projects using BLADE.

Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (ACLD) via DataLab uses data from the Census of Population and Housing to build a longitudinal picture of Australian society. The ACLD can uncover new insights into the dynamics and transitions that drive social and economic change over time, and how these vary for diverse population groups and geographies.



Access to ABS Microdata is by application and approval, with data released using methods and systems that protect the privacy and confidentiality of people, households and businesses. Users must comply with conditions and have specific responsibilities relating to data access, use and sharing. Applicants need to undertake safe data training prior to accessing ABS DataLab.


Need more information on ABS TableBuilder?