The ability to replicate experiments is a key pillar of scientific progress. For researchers to replicate the work of others, to achieve the same results and conclusions time and time again, relies on the original workflow or research process being transparent by being well-documented and openly shared. However, many studies are not replicable because crucial information about research methods and the research process is lacking.
To help foster a reproducible research culture at Griffith, eResearch Services in partnership with Library Researcher Services have developed a ‘9 Reproducible Research Things’ workshop to help our researchers adopt a number of reproducible research habits. The workshop is openly available to all Griffith and non-Griffith researchers and is offered both as a self-paced tutorial format and as an online workshop.
The steps described may seem small, but they have a big impact. They not only benefit the wider world of research by making research more open, but also help make the research process more efficient, thus saving time and effort for the researcher. For example, common ‘disaster’ scenarios, such as losing a key member of your research team, misplacing a laptop or hard drive, or having your findings challenged, can be avoided by good practices (reproducible ‘things’) that researchers can adopt from the outset.
Workshop materials are organised into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels to make everyone’s research processes more efficient and effective. As this workshop would be applicable to any researcher or institute, we have released the workshop on GitHub under a Creative Commons licence that permits reuse.