It’s mid-trimester break, so time to get some rest and recuperate before powering through until the end of trimester.

Although it may seem like it sometimes, life is not all about study. Finding the right balance between leisure time and working hard to achieve your degree can be difficult but make sure you take some time out this mid-trimester break to do something for you.

Here are some suggestions to help you unwind:

  • Take a day off to relax and veg out and watch TV
  • Take a day trip or head on a mini vacation
  • Read a book for leisure, not study
  • Catch up with a friend
  • Have a picnic in the park
  • Go for a hike
  • Have a sleep in

If you’ve already done too much relaxing and need to catch up on your studies, the library is open and here to help. Check out our service and space opening hours on the Library website.