Did you know that visualised data engages readers more effectively than spreadsheets do 

Visualised data acts as a ‘hook’ for viewers’ attention. Also, by connecting facts with a narrative, visualised data enhances memorabilityStories told visually are more compelling, and help viewers grasp complex information faster and more easily – that sounds powerful, doesn’t it? 

Presenting your research through visualised data is a skill you can learn! We offer three workshops: 

  1. Explore your literature using bibliometrics and VOSviewer – Find out how to visualise literature using the VOSviewer tool. Next workshop: 21st July, register here 
  2. Data storytelling – You will learn how to integrate data, visuals and narrative to tell the key story behind your research. Next workshop: 23rd July, register here. 
  3. Data visualisation basics – You will learn methods and tools to create publication-quality visualisations of structured data from spreadsheets. Next workshop: 15 September 2020, more information to come. 

Here is a sample visualisation created by Masami Yamaguchi 

A mind-map on the topic ‘Why do we visualise?’ Key headings include ‘Engagement’, ‘Comprehension’, ‘Learning’, and ‘Story-telling and Memorability’.


*Coronavirus Riskiest Activities Infographic created by David McCandless, Omid Kashan, Fabio Bergamaschi, Dr Stephanie Starling, Univers Labs, Tom Evans