Did you know that food waste costs Australian households $70 per week? This adds up to $3,640 per year.
Sustainable Gastronomy Day (18 June) is the perfect opportunity to take a look at your food waste and how to reduce it – and save money as well!
As part of Social Marketing at Griffith’s Waste Not Want Not campaign, Dr Kathy Knox and Griffith University PhD candidate, Jeawon Kim, worked with the community of Redlands, Queensland, to reduce their food waste.
After surveying the community about the kind of food they had in their household, they invited professional chefs to create recipes which would incorporate food items often left over and discarded, showing the Redlands community practical ways to reduce food waste.
Whether it’s the hasty hakka or the cheese-spiration, do your part to help tackle food waste by testing out these recipes with food already in your fridge.
Keen to learn more about reducing food waste? Griffith Research Online provides open access research exploring the need for behavioural change around our selection, consumption and food waste:
- Thanks, but no thanks: The influence of gratitude on consumer awareness of food waste
- Systematic literature review of best practice in food waste reduction programs
- Environmental awareness of primary school-aged children in Brisbane, Australia
- Re(Focussing) on behavioural change: an examination of the utility of hidden Markov modelling
Discover more Griffith University research.