Actively managing your researcher profile will increase visibility and impact of your research and potentially find you new audiences and collaborators. The use of social media, especially academic networking services, can be used to expand the reach of your research in new and interactive ways. Building your researcher profile and managing your research publications are key activities.
How does the world see you as a researcher?
Do you present as a professional? Are you readily identifiable and distinguishable? You will want to have a public profile that lists your scholarly achievements; your “researcher profile”.
Griffith Experts is the University’s online profiling system. The focus is to display the University’s research expertise, targeting key external audiences including potential HDR candidates, government, the media seeking experts and potential research collaborators.
See the Griffith Experts curation guide to create an effective and professional looking profile that highlights your expertise.
Other profiles researchers use:
- ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) – an open, non-profit registry of unique researcher identifiers for linking research activities and outputs.
- ResearcherIDon Publons – create and manage a professional profile, add your publications, track your citations and manage your Web of Science record.
- Scopus Author Identifier (Elsevier) – automatically assigned author identifiers. Check that publications assigned to you are correct.
- Google Scholar profile brings together an updated publication citation list and h-index for ready reference and use.
How we can help:
- Get specialist advice:
- Attend an Online drop-in session to help set up and manage one or more of your profiles:
- Developing Your Online Research Profile:
For a broad overview of researcher profiles: