We want the refund process to be as simple as possible, so we have put together information to help you easily complete a refund request. By correctly completing the application refund forms, we ensure that students and agents have the best experience, and a faster turnaround for all.

Here are some important tips to help you send through complete and accurate forms.

Applying for a refund

The Griffith University Fees and Charges Procedure outlines international students’ entitlement to a refund of fees and relevant processes, as required under the ESOS Act and National Code.

To establish the student’s eligibility for refund please refer to sections 3.6 in the Fees and Charges Procedure (PDF).

Students with a username and password

If your student has a Griffith University username and password, they should complete an online form (Griffith login required).

Students without a username and password

If your student does not have a Griffith University username and password they should:

  1. download the Request for Refund of Fees form (PDF)
  2. submit the form via email (found online).

Common application errors

Please ensure you are correctly completing the following, as these are common errors.

  • The student’s Griffith Identification Number (Student ID) needs to be completed. Top right hand corner of the form.
  • Please ensure that the student’s email address on the refund request is the same as on the student’s application for study or one that has been updated on file with the university. Due to the Information Privacy Act (QLD) 2009, we need to ensure that we are dealing with the correct person, so when a different email address is used on the request form, it causes lengthy delays as we need to verify who we are dealing with. Providing a new email address on the refund form is not sufficient evidence it belongs to the student. Due to the Information Privacy Act (QLD) 2009, providing incorrect email addresses on applications are also creating lengthy delays in refund processing as the details then need to be verified. Providing the correct email address on the refund form is not sufficient evidence it belongs to the student.
  • Refunds to an Australian bank account is only available in limited circumstances. If the student is requesting a refund to an Australian bank account they will need to provide evidence (bank statement) that the funds were initially paid from an Australian bank account or provide evidence of exceptional circumstances. Please refer to section 3.6.13 of the Fees and Charges Procedure.
  • A SWIFT code must be included for all international payments with various countries having different, other requirements as well. Please refer to the refund form for a list of the most common requirements by country.
  • If the provided bank account does not belong to the student, section 4 on the form must be completed. We need to know the relationship between the student and the nominated third party. Refunds can not be paid to Agents or companies.
  • Refunds for commencing students without a refund penalty are usually limited to:
    • University is unable to provide the program.
    • Didn’t meet entry requirements (evidence required)
    • Student visa application is denied evidence required, admin fee applied)
  • If the student is packaged with GELI, the refund form must be assessed by GELI first. Please send to [email protected].

For more information, please visit the admissions procedures website.