Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) offers the highest level of the Direct Entry Program (DEP) five times per year, to support students to achieve the language requirement for direct entry to degree programs commencing in Trimester 1, 2, or 3. 

Students not only meet the English proficiency level but gain a head start for their degree studies through the development of academic literacy skills and by forming a peer support network.

Griffith International acknowledges excellent performance in DEP by awarding a $1000 Direct Entry Program (DEP) Scholarship to the highest performing DEP student in each cohort who is progressing to a Griffith undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.

Congratulations to the following DEP Scholarship winners:

  • Karma Galley WANGCHUK, Bhutan, Bachelor of Information Technology
  • WU Mianhua, China, Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management

Karma studied at Nathan campus for 20 weeks on a pathway to Bachelor of Information Technology. 

Karma’s teacher noted that, although Karma’s previous education was very different in several ways, he was able to adapt to local expectations and the requirements of successful study in DEP. Karma is a hardworking, eager and respectful student who supported his classmates in their learning. These attributes are a credit to karma and we wish him well in his degree program.  

Mianhua studied at GELI Gold Coast campus for 30 weeks on a pathway to Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management.

Throughout her GELI program, Mianhua demonstrated a strong desire to achieve and lit up the classroom with her bright personality and big smiles every day. By constantly aiming for excellence, Mianhua developed strong essay writing, research and oral presentation skills, and is well-prepared for success in her future studies at Griffith University.

Congratulations also go to the following students who achieved the highest overall grade in their DEP cohort:

  • ZHANG Yougang (Trent), China, PhD
  • ZHAO Di, China, PhD

Trent studied at GELI Nathan campus for 20 weeks to prepare to enter his PhD program. 

Trent is a dedicated student who was an asset to the class as he was not only able to manage his own learning effectively, but was also adept in supporting and guiding his fellow classmates through the process. 

Di studied for 10 weeks at GELI Gold Coast to prepare to enter his PhD program. Upon commencement at GELI, it was obvious to his teachers that Di had good reading and writing skills but was shy and lacked confidence in his speaking and listening abilities. However, throughout the course Di listened carefully and applied what he was taught. Each week, his teachers observed noticeable improvements in both his English language skills and self-confidence. By the end of the 10-week program, Di’s reading, writing, speaking and listening proficiencies had improved so much that he earned the Dux of DEP Award for consistently delivering high-calibre work. In his acceptance speech, Di stated that the DEP 7 course has given him the skills and confidence to succeed in his PhD program. 

Congratulations everyone!

For more information about GELI click here.