Helping your international students achieve a positive outcome for their visa application is a crucial aspect of ensuring their successful journey to Griffith University. To assist you in this endeavour, we’ve compiled a guide that outlines key steps to achieve efficient visa processing based on information from the Department of Home Affairs

  • Early Preparation: Advise your students to commence their visa application well in advance. Thoroughly research the Home Affairs website for the latest requirements. Encourage them to apply online through Immi/Account at least 8 weeks before their intended course start date. 
  • Health Declaration Simplified: Familiarise yourself with the My Health Declaration feature, which allows students to efficiently declare their health status.
  • Crafting an Impressive GTE Statement: Provide guidance on preparing a compelling Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement. Direct students to follow the Department’s website guidelines and substantiate their statement with solid evidence. This strategic approach enhances the strength of their application. 
  • Detailed Documentation: Emphasise the importance of thorough documentation, and instruct students to provide all required information and documents indicated by Immi/Account, including educational transcripts and financial statements. Complete documentation reduces processing time. 
  • Document Collection and Translation: Encourage students to proactively collect essential documents. If translation is necessary, prompt organisation prevents last-minute rushes and ensures a seamless application process. 
  • Staying Informed: Educate students about the significance of staying updated on their application’s progress. Regular monitoring of Immi/Account and email correspondence from the Department is essential. Timely responses to requests for additional information prevent unnecessary delays. 
  • Updated Details: Highlight the need for students to promptly update any changes to their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or contact information in Immi/Account. Accurate details facilitate effective communication. 

By sharing these insights with your international students, you play a pivotal role in their successful visa application journey. The meticulous attention to detail and early preparation that you encourage will significantly contribute to smoother visa processing, enabling your students to confidently embark on their study at Griffith University.