Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) offers students two opportunities to achieve the English language requirement for direct entry to degree programs commencing in both Trimester 1 and Trimester 2, and one for Trimester 3, by successfully completing the highest level of the Direct Entry Program (DEP).

Students not only meet the English proficiency level but gain a head start for their degree studies through the development of academic literacy skills and by forming a peer support network.

Griffith International acknowledges excellent performance in DEP by awarding a $1000 Direct Entry Program (DEP) Scholarship to the highest performing DEP student in each cohort who is progressing to a Griffith undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.

Congratulations to the following DEP Scholarship winners:

  • HWANG Junga (Chelsea), Korea, Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Jovana FREITAS FERREIRA, Brazil, Juris Doctor

Chelsea studied at GELI Gold Coast campus for 10 weeks.

Chelsea is a committed and diligent student who showed true dedication to her academic studies from the commencement of the course. This dedication allowed her to consistently complete each task to a very high standard and to achieve the grades that would later see her awarded a scholarship. It is also worth noting how collegial Chelsea was in terms of assisting others in class, which was appreciated by all. Chelsea is a worthy recipient of this scholarship as she continues her studies as a Bachelor of Pharmacy student.  

Jovana studied at GELI Nathan campus for 20 weeks. Congratulations to Jovanna on achieving the highest grade in her cohort and earning the DEP Scholarship.

Jovanna is a motivated, energetic and capable student who takes her responsibilities very seriously. She grew significantly in her skills and her confidence in her time at GELI and deserves this award. She takes her performance as a student seriously, and shows tremendous satisfaction when her work meets her own high standards.

Congratulations also go to OTSU Mitsuyoshi, from Japan who achieved the highest overall grade in his DEP cohort.  Mitsuyoshi studied for 10 weeks at GELI Gold Coast campus in preparation to enter his PhD program.

Mitsuyoshi Otsu exemplifies the many benefits students receive when completing DEP at GELI. Upon starting the course, Mitsuyoshi had reasonably good writing skills in English but he struggled with organising his ideas into coherent arguments and had little confidence when communicating orally in English. However, through paying careful attention in class and applying the lessons he learned, Mitsuyoshi’s academic English language skills improved so strongly that he achieved the highest marks for both his debating skills and final research essay. On Graduation day, a very happy Mitsuyoshi informed his teachers that he feels he now has the skills and confidence required to undertake his PhD at Griffith University. 

We look forward to seeing these students as they join us on campus at Griffith University in Trimester 2, 2023.

For further information about GELI programs, please contact us.