Tuesday 17 May is IDAHOBIT – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. This is an important day to remember why we fight for safe, affirming and culturally appropriate care for all members of LGBTQIAP + communities who have been minoritized within and beyond educational and workplace settings.
Research show that members of LGBTQIAP+ communities experience much higher rates of discrimination and verbal abuse, culminating in higher rates of anxiety and depression than the general population.
There is much more research which also points to the way categories of difference intersect, to escalate experiences of risk and disadvantage for some members of a community.
GIER recognises and values all genders, sexes, sexualities and identities.
We recognise that IDAHOBIT is a day to listen to the members of the LGBTQIAP+ community and to acknowledge the role everyone plays in working towards the creation of genuinely inclusive, safe, respectful environments.
Rudy Jean Rigg is an IDAHOBIT champion, working with Minus 18. On the Minus 18 website he says:
“Wanting to be an ally is already a step in the right direction! When it comes to learning about the LGBTQI+ community, my advice would be to just start. Somewhere, anywhere! It’s better to start a little off the mark than not at all.”
At Griffith this week there are a wide range of opportunities for staff and students to come together to share and learn. The Pride Committee are hosting an afternoon tea and drop-in consultation session at our Nathan Campus on the 17th May at 2-4pm.
At this event, you are invited to network with colleagues. classmates and LGBTIQ+ allies and have your say on LGBTIQ+ inclusion at the University.
If you would like to learn more about how you can support a diversity of genders, bodies and sexualities in the workplace, and become a Griffith Ally, the Pride Committee are also hosting an online LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Workshop on 19th May at 1-2:30pm.
If you’re looking for additional resources, you can visit Minus 18, or look at the SBS (Online) Inclusion program which has a range of excellent online modules relating to cultural competence, diversity and inclusion. There are animations and films, including real people telling real stories. There are specific modules on LGBTIQ+ inclusion.
Finally we’d like to say that GIER is fully committed to encouraging diversity in our membership, and welcoming all researchers and all genders, sexes, sexualities and identities. This is not a case of ‘us’ welcoming others. This is us representing and advocating for the rights of all.
IDAHOBIT day is a powerful reminder of the past and the present, and an opportunity to imagine an inclusive future. Our next challenge is to ensure that the positive, educational focus associated with IDAHOBIT day spreads all the way across the year: so it is a day we live 365 times: and not just one 24 hour period.