BSI Connection

Tagged as China

The role of fiscal incentives in promoting energy efficiency in the industrial sector: Case studies from Asia

In recent years, awareness about climate change and the need for cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has spread. While many of the post-2015 United Nations… Read More

Contemplating the relationship with religion in a COVID-19 China

Historically, repression of Christianity in China has included surveillance of members and their gathering spots, destruction and closing of church buildings and restrictions of young… Read More

Assessing and predicting the duration of COVID-19 and its impact on China’s economy

With the increase in human activity, our natural environment has changed significantly. China’s epidemics stemming from wildlife will continue to rise in 2020. Unlike African… Read More

Risk management analysis for novel Coronavirus in Wuhan, China

Recently, a novel coronavirus pneumonia (2019–nCoV) outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China, rapidly spreading first to the whole country, and then globally, causing widespread concern. Read More

AIB Oceania Symposium: Building capacity and community in international business
Connecting culture and robotic technology: The future of aged care in Australia
The world of online conferences: Academy of Management goes virtual for #AOM2020
Startup accelerators: Propelling entrepreneurs to maximise success

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