Mr Scott Ashton, Director, International Markets, Trade and Investment Queensland delivered a guest lecture to 7921IBA International Business class on 5 August 2019. Mr Ashton introduced the services of Trade and Investment Queensland through the lens of a Queensland company building a start-up international education business in China.

Mr Scott Ashton, Director, International Markets, Trade and Investment Queensland

Focusing on the common practice of learning through trial and error, i.e. loss of money, Mr Ashton used a case study to highlight that basic business practices are equally or more valuable in unfamiliar markets than in familiar markets. Assumptions of difference or similarity can have drastic implications for performance when doing business overseas.

Course convenor, Associate Professor Gloria Ge said “the guest lecture was very well accepted. “

“Guest lectures are an integral part of the learning experiences of our students as they provide real-life aspects to the course material.”

Two visiting professors, Associate Professor Li Li from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Associate Professor Zhu Qianyu from Renmin University of China attended the lecture together with 7921IBA students as well as students from other courses.

At the end of the guest lecture, Associate Professor Gloria Ge expressed her appreciation of Mr Ashton’s open and genuine sharing of his experience with students.

One of the most important messages the participants received from Mr Ashton’s lecture is to have a “learning mindset” when engaging in international markets, especially in unfamiliar markets.