While the term “intrapreneur” may be still reasonably new, it’s quickly growing in popularity. Today, more and more businesses around the world are discovering the benefits of having engaged and empowered employees on staff with business skills, creative problem-solving abilities, and an interest in personal leadership who can actively find and leverage opportunities.
These intrapreneurs are changing the game when it comes to business results. Plus, the people who are finding such ownership in their roles are also happier in their jobs as they get to experience the passion, excitement and growth that comes from being an intrapreneur.
One woman who is really paving the way for this new working style is Dr Irena Yashin Shaw, member of the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation Industry Board. Apart from her work in this area as a speaker, author and consultant, she recently launched the first Australian Intrapreneurs Summit (AIS) at the Brisbane Convention Centre where people from a variety of industries and backgrounds came together to talk and learn about intrapreneurialism.
Professor Rosemary Stockdale and Professor Brad Jackson attended and presented at the summit. Professor Jackson’s presentation is available on the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation website.
“The array of interesting speakers addressed different aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship within organisations across the profit, not-for-profit and government domains.”